The Influence of Workload and Organizational Culture on Quality of Nursing Work Life : A Case Study
1Ika Mutia Silviana, 1Tasya Aspiranti, 1Wawang Setiawan Sukarya, 2Habil Klaus Oestreicher, 3Chanwut Thongkamkaew, 4Mohsin Shaikh
1Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
2Global Virtual Nyangani University, Austria
3Hatyai University, Thailand
4MIT World Peace University, India
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2024.v3i2n01

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A high quality of nursing work life is important for a hospital to achieve high nurse performance and grow profits in attracting and retaining nurses. Increased workload and unsupportive organizational culture can affect the balance of nurses' lives at work and home, so the quality of nursing work life could be better. This study aims to determine and analyze the workload, organizational culture, and quality of nursing work life and the partial or simultaneous influence of workload and organizational culture on the quality of nursing work life at Arjawinangun Regional General Hospital. This study used analytical survey research methods with a cross-sectional approach. The respondents in this study were 73 nurses at Arjawinangun Regional General Hospital who were selected using random sampling techniques. The independent variables studied in this study were workload (X1) and organizational culture (X2), while the dependent variable was the quality of nursing work life (Y). Information about research variables was obtained by distributing questionnaires and then analyzed using the SPSS program. The results of this study concluded that the workload variables were in the low category, the organizational culture variables were in the high category, and the quality of nursing work life was in the high category. Both partially and simultaneously, workload and organizational culture affect the quality of nursing work life at Arjawinangun Regional General Hospital. Workload variables influence nurses' work-life quality variables less than organizational culture variables.


Workload; organizational culture; quality of nursing work life


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